History of Laodicea, Charismatic Movement, Rapture and Overcoming

I just recently launched my new website, ChurchofPhiladelphia.net, a thought experiment in better defining the church of philadelphia today, per biblical guidelines, early church structure in the New Testament and how to avoid Christian cults were the first 2 posts. I suppose this is my attempt to start a site where I can cover other theological topics than demonology, and provide some better guidance for studies on doctrine. Just posted the third post,  Charismatic Movement is Church of Laodicea – Is Calvary Chapel a Christian Cult? Vineyard, Neocharismatics This has a lot of overlap with this site, including some prophetic study of the church letters to Laodicea and Philadelphia, and the Laodicean “overcoming” and Rapture topic. It may be the first...

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