
A Modern Guide To Demons And Fallen AngelsThe title of the first book is “A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels” Besides being online to read in its entirety, the newly revised version is now available in Paperback, and also for Kindle.

Description: “When did God make angels? Who are the host of heaven? What are the types of angels? What do angels do? Why are there fallen angels? Who is Satan? What are fallen angels? What are demons? Are demons the same thing as fallen angels? Where are the fallen angels? What are the abilities of fallen angels and demons as described in the Bible? What are the modern activities of demons and fallen angels? What is Spiritual Warfare? How do I practice Spiritual Warfare? Does science conflict with the the supernatural and miracles? How do fallen angels and demons fit into the Book of Revelation and Bible prophecy?”

The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels

The title of the second book is “The Bible, Physics, and the Abilities of Fallen Angels: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon“. It is available to read online in its entirety, and is also available in Paperback and for Kindle. A version of this book was presented as a lecture at The First Christian Symposium on Aliens held in July 2009.

Description: “Analysis of the Biblically described abilities of angels and fallen angels is compared to modern alien abduction cases. This is followed by a description of how the abilities of fallen angels could be described under modern science and physics theories. Alien abduction experiences can stop in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.”

The links on the menu to the right go to the Chapters of these books, which are best understood by reading them in order.

 New Book Out! The title of the third book is Understanding Biblical Gender Equality. It’s available to read online in its entirety at and is also available in Paperback and for Kindle.

Table of Contents and Descriptions of Each Chapter:

Chapter 1: Titus 2, Genesis 3, Ephesians 5 and Submission

– How the New Testament instruction for wives to willingly submit to their own husbands replaces the negative consequence of the fall of the dominating “he shall rule over you”.

– Explaining the meaning of Titus 2:5 “that the word of God may not be blasphemed”


Chapter 2: 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 Silence in the Churches

– Arguments for the latest scholarly research that 1 Cor 14:34-35 is a gloss, or later addition to the original text

– Exploring internal inconsistancies generated in the Bible by 1 Cor 14:34-35, pointing to it being a gloss

– In specific we examine these points of flawed logic:

The Law says women must subject themselves

All women must learn from their husbands at home

All women must have husbands in order to learn

Silence shows submission

Women are to be submissive to men


Chapter 3: Genesis 3 Desire

– Debunking the idea that “desire” means “desire to control or devour” in Genesis 3:16

– Taking a look at the facts of the history of “desire” in Genesis 3:16 and it’s varying translations over the millennia

– A scholarly exploration of the words “teshuqa” and “teshuba” in Hebrew, and weighing of the whole of ancient texts and translations

– The meaning of the words “teshuqa” and “teshuba” in larger scriptural context and significance


Chapter 4: 1 Cor 11:1-16 Heads and Coverings

– Explaining a literal interpretation of the analogy of heads and bodies, in relation to husbands and wives, Christ and the Church, God and Christ, as used throughout the New Testament

– Explaining that “andros” means “person” and how Christ is the head of each person

– Explaining how “head” refers to a literal head on a literal body, in analogy, and how a husband is as a “head” and wives is as a “body”, making one person

– Explaining the Jewish tradition of Sotah in relation to legal divorce grounds, shorn heads, and the public disgrace Joseph would not inflict upon Mary

– Christian Jewish and Christian Gentile Women’s coverings and hair styles in the early church period

– Explaining that nature does not teach you it is shameful for a man to have long hair, and the lack of question marks in Greek

– Debunking the idea that women having their heads covered relates to Genesis 6:1-4

– Examining Paul’s words that Christians have no other practice than a woman’s hair is given to her as a head covering


Chapter 5: Eph 5 Marriage – Part 1 – Submit Yourself

– Examining a conspiracy of Strong’s concordance against women understanding ‘hupotasso’ in context of actual usage

– A detailed list of every time hupotasso, hupotage, hupotaxis, hupotaktos & hupotetaktos are used in the New Testament

– Analysis of these words and giving their finer meanings in context of actual usage, and use of hupotasso in the Old Testament Septuagint

– The differences between submission and obedience, in practicalities and in Greek

– Affirming and explaining a biblical concept of submission of wives to their own husbands

– The biblical limitations set around submission by the internal consistency of Scripture: of morality, conscience, callings of and loyalty to God

– Expounding the larger biblical principle of responsiblity for self and one’s own actions as foundational to relationship with God and a biblical marriage

– Exploring the dynamics of equal authority over each other’s body in marriage, and the logical necessity of mutual consent and submission

– That obedience must be to God, not men


Chapter 6: Eph 5 Marriage – Part 2 – Love Your Wife

– Biblical explanation of what “agape” love is

– A refreshing and clarifying detailed and thorough scriptural cross-referenced study on What Love Is Not based on 1 Cor 13:4-7

– A closer look at “love does not seek it’s own way” in context of the dynamic of love and submission

– An exciting thorough examination in the Greek of 1 Peter 3:7, giving added and clarified meaning, in the context of loving sisters in Christ

– The necessity of self-sacrifice in husbands meeting the biblical goal of painting the picture with their lives of Christ loving the church


Chapter 7: Eph 5 Marriage – Part 3 – Love and Submit

– Expounding on how obedience to God to love or submit is not dependent upon the actions of one’s spouse

– Giving a more detailed analogy of the “one flesh” dynamic, the husband as the head (eyes, ears, mouth) and wife as the rest of the body (legs, arms, torso)

– Advise for and thoughts on a well functioning marriage, and on when things go wrong in a marriage

– How husbands have no authority from God to force or dominate their wives, and this is the opposite of loving them, and visa versa

– How husbands must not force their wives to submit to them, but can make it easier for them to through loving them

– How wives can’t force their husbands to love them, but can make it easier for them to through submission


Chapter 8: Genesis – The First Marriage

– An examination of two genders in Genesis, the creation of mankind

– Why God had Adam name all the animals, and made a woman out of his rib

– Detailed examination of the meaning of “help meet” or “ezer kenegdo” in the Hebrew

– How the creation story reveals the nature and deepest needs of husbands and wives from the Beginning

– Analysis of the themes of equality or inequality, sameness or differences between the genders in Genesis


Chapter 9: Genesis – The First Marriage Problems

– Analysis of the events leading up to the Fall into sin

– An examination of singular and plural “you” in Genesis 1 and 3 and showing it’s relevance

– Putting Genesis 1 and 2 in chronological order: Why did God tell the woman she could eat from all the trees?

– Study on the biblical concept of “multiplication” in view of the body, spirit, soul triune nature of Adam and Eve

– Introducing the concept of “paternal spiritual lineage” from literal scriptural examples

– A cross-testamental literal explanation of Genesis 3, Romans 5 and 1 Cor 15:21-22


Chapter 10: Genesis – The First Marriage Problems Continued

– What really happened in Genesis

– Debunking the idea that Eve told the first lie

– Narrative insight on Genesis 3, the temptation and Fall

– Explanation on how Adam was not deceived, but the woman was


Chapter 11: Genesis – Setting a Pattern of Marriage Problems

– A continuation on the narrative insight on Genesis 3, the curses, the consequences, what was said and not said

– Finding the beginning of patterns seen today, in men and women’s sinful natures, in Genesis

– Debunking the idea that the serpent lied to Eve by simply telling her something untrue

– Explaining how the serpent deceived Eve, in context, with a double entendre

– A psychological examination of Adam and Eve, revealing truth about men and women today

– The conclusion of what happened in Genesis, the woman’s new name, and leaving the garden

– The rest of the story of Adam and Eve, as revealed elsewhere in the Bible

– The preeminence and preparation of Jesus Christ


Chapter 12: Lessons from the First Marriage

– Detailed analysis of lessons to be learned from what really happened in the Fall

– Biblically derived ideas on the structure of the family as it was originally intended to function

– The symbolism of Jesus Christ in the feminine in the Bible, the female as like the first and only born of the male

– God’s affirmation of the female, and Biblical teachings on gender preeminence and equality in the family structure

– Analysis of authority structure in relation to marriage or family structure


Chapter 13: 1 Timothy 2 – Female Teachers, etc.

– Scriptural study of giftings and callings of women in the church

– That the Holy Spirit gives gifts as He chooses – women may have any gifting He chooses, and were equally endowed at Pentecost

– Women may be gifted as apostles (Junia), prophets (in Acts), teachers (Priscilla), tounges (in Acts) or any of the other gifts

– Thorough analysis of the Greek of 1 Tim 2 using the oldest known manuscript of this text, The Codex Sinaiticus

– The double negative negation in the Greek of “ouk ___ oude”

– Tying what really happened in Eden to a correct understanding of 1 Tim 2

– That women must first learn in order to teach, and the responsibility placed on the church for women to learn

– The total lack of any restrictions placed upon women teaching, or teaching men, to be found in 1 Tim 2


Chapter 14: A Pause for a Romans 13 Study

– A fresh translation of Romans 13, John 19:11-12, 1 Pet 2:12-16 from the Greek with clarified meaning and explanation

– Implications of how we are to view governmental authority structures, not as ordained by God but permissively allowed


Chapter 15: Humanity’s History

– The origin of authority structures, whose idea was it and the nature of it

– The first manmade authority structures: polygamy, slavery, and concubines, Abraham and Sarah, slave owners

– Exploring the consistency of being declared righteous by faith, not works across the Old and New Testaments

– Moses and God and the Law, within their grasp, the best that the people could strive for under the circumstances


Chapter 16: Jesus, Women, and the Law

– God’s original marriage intentions, God compromising with Moses in the Law of divorce

– Exploring themes of the Law as a Schoolteacher which could make no one perfect

– Explaining the imperfections in the Law regarding women and slavery in the larger historical context


Chapter 17: 1 Peter 3 – Actions Louder Than Words

– A thorough scriptural analysis of 1 Pet 3

– Explaining “disobedient to the word” refers to non-believers

– Debunking the ideas that “without a word” can cross-reference to 1 Cor 14:34-35, and relating it to “teshuba” in Genesis 3

– Debunking the idea that “chaste behavior in fear” refers to fear of a husband, and the idea that Sarah addressed Abraham as “lord”

– Tying 1 Pet 3 to Gen 18:12, explaining Sarah called Abraham lord in her heart, and offering further insights on the heart of submission

– Debunking the idea of wives “suffering in silence” in marriages which are abusive

– The place of Matthew 18 in a Christian marriage, as God’s recourse for wives who are victims of domestic abuse

– Deploring and condemning the incorrect handling of domestic abuse, and spiritual abuse perpetrated, by some Christians and churches: a warning to Christian women

– The need and right of Christian women to seek help for domestic abuse from specialists and legally, outside of some Christian churches, who in disobedience to God, tolerate or approve of it

– The correct disciplinary actions for a Church in dealing with an abusive husband in his sin

– The God-Recognized Biblical right of a wife to divorce an abusive Christian husband disciplined by the church per Matt 18, even if no church will perform Matt 18

– Alternatives to divorce: husbands can change, wives can give forgiveness, and there is hope and healing available in Jesus Christ


Chapter 18: 1 Timothy 3 – Female Deacons, etc.

– The servant-leadership structure of the early New Testament church

– The role of elders as replacements for apsotles, the process of growth of a baby church to maturity

– Anointing by apostles (and deacons serving apostles) of church-elected qualifying servant-leaders out of the body as elders and deacons

– Exploring the meaning of gifts of administration in relation to elders and deacons, as gifts given by the Holy Spirit

– Distinguishing between gifts of administration and elected roles of elder and deacon, and the distinct gifts of apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, etc.

– Scriptural analysis showing Timothy was a deacon and not an elder, and the importance of this

– Junia the female apostle and Phoebe the deacon, women in servant-leadership in the early church

– The obtusely gender-neutral language of qualifications for elders

– The qualifications for female deacons in 1 Tim 3, and that these were not qualifications for the wives of male deacons

– Proving out from scripture “of one wife husbands” means “if a husband, of only one wife” and does not exclude single men or women

– The need for a monogamy clause “of one wife husbands” for male elders, in a culture of polygamy, but no such need for female elders


Chapter 19: The Truth of the Church’s History

– Examining the election of qualifying elders by the people in the early church as affirmed by Clement, the early church was a republic

– Easily inferring female deacons as being mentioned by Polycarp, the early church was egalitarian (and revolutionary in this)

– The perversion of the original early church structure of 12 equal elected elders and 7 deacons, by the idea of a head elder or “bishop”

– The perceived import of who had anointed an elder was wrongly treated as qualification to be “Bishop”, an elder above the other elders

– “Bishops” began to be appointed by prior bishops, instead of qualifying members being elected by the people out of the body of the church

– The decay of the church into history repeating itself, power-hungry men infiltrating and rising to power, setting up an authority structure to rule over other men

– Power-hungry men, false Christians, infiltrators, soon convinced people of false doctrine, and the newfound freedom and equality women had enjoyed was buried

– Overview of 2000 years of misogynistic false teachings and scripture twisting against women, in the Catholic Church and, as inherited, into the Protestant Church

– How the birth of the Republic in the United States, a return to the early church structure, eventually entered Christian women into regaining their lost freedom and equality

– An overview of women Suffragists gaining the right to vote, and that only for 2% of human history have women held equal rights as men, at all

– The deplorable state of much of the world, and many churches, in which women do not have the rights afforded by a fair republic or democracy – which was God’s intention for the church.


Chapter 20: Many Who Are Last Will Be First

– How God will judge in fairness, balance all things, and set things straight in the eternal kingdom of God

– Jesus’ instructions for Christian leaders to practice servant-leadership and not partake in using authority structures

– Jesus’ command to Love others as yourself, treating them as you want to be treated, without partiality or regard to race, gender, class, etc.

– Slaves, women, the abused and downtrodden in Christ will someday be rewarded, for all eternity

– Those Christians who are abusive and powerful here, and mistreat others, will not be rewarded, lacking for all eternity

– Many who are least here on earth, slaves, women, the abused and downtrodden, will be among the greatest for all eternity in the kingdom of Heaven.

– Many who are greatest here, and made others abused and downtrodden, will be least for all eternity in the kingdom of Heaven


Chapter 21: In Conclusion

– Biblical Gender Equality before God, in church, in parenting, in marriage, and in the government.

– Handy chart for husbands and wives on loving and submitting

– Inspiration from Christian Suffragists, an example for all Christians

A Modern Guide to Demons and Fallen Angels © 2007-2013
Paradox Brown

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